Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What if Obama care is kicked to the curb?

If a Constitutional lawyer is elected President, can he find his butt if it has a bell on it?

Apparently not. Obama care is on the verge of being struck down by the SCOTUS; Read Thisthis and this. I guess he was absent from law school on the day they taught law.

And the Democrats are already scrambling for spin control. Harry Reid is already trying to convince us this helps Obama's reelection prospects, and James Carville is pitching the same bullshit.

Wow the losses are starting pill up and I need your help. Let's build a pro vs. con list for Obama.

For example:

Passing Obama Care - Con                                                 Killing Bin Laden - Pro

Try to be objective. I don't see much to vote for in this empty suit, but maybe you can convince me. Post your responses below.


  1. Con - He was endorsed by PRAVDA!

  2. Con - The middle east is a disaster and he is clueless as to how to proceed

  3. con - he is in over his head and the country needs a grown up at the helm right NOW!

    1. pro There aren't any republican grownups.

  4. Con- Gone around Congress to implement unconstitutional regulations

    Con- Turned his back on longtime allies like Israel and sucked up to our enemies

    Con- Told Russia that he can sellout the US after he is re-elected

    Con- Pushed for a got a law to detain Americans without trial
